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The Vitruvian man,

is a drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci around 1490. It is based on the Work of the Roman architect Vitruvius. Vitruvius based his Works studying the ancient Greeks. It depicts a Man in two positions with his arms and legs full stretched inscribed in a circle and in a square. The drawing is called <<the proportions of the human body>>. 


It is the western representation,

for the yin yang of the asian martial arts. You can defend and attack, in a circular motion or in a straight line motion. This are the two possible movements that we can do with our limbs and our human body. 


Around him we see different Weapons.

This weapons represent the best warriors from different time periods that we study:


a) The shield and the Spear of the Greek Hoplite

(bronze age warriors)


b) The Roman Gladius of the Legionary

(iron age warriors)


c) The the straight and the curved sword of the Byzatine Cataphract (medieval warriros)


d) The Katana sword of the Japanese Samurai

(asian warriors)


e)The Rapier and the Dagger of the Spaniards

(Renaissance warriors)


As we describe below each warrior, we study for example different warriors of the bronze age like ancient egyptians and Mesopotamians. We use the Greek Hoplite as our reference point to study the others. Each Warrior is the most representative for us for each period.

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